Share a Fujitsu K5 Custom Image with Member Projects

The following script can be used to share a custom uploaded image from the default project to other member projects. Prerequisites : The script relies on a settings file,, which must contain all your contract details and be placed in the same directory  – for example: This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted…

The following script can be used to share a custom uploaded image from the default project to other member projects.

Prerequisites : The script relies on a settings file,, which must contain all your contract details and be placed in the same directory  – for example:

adminUser = 'username'
adminPassword = 'password'
contract = 'contract_name'
contractid = 'contract_id'
defaultid = 'default_project_id'
project = 'working_project'
region = 'uk-1'

K5 Custom Image Sharing Script

# Author : Graham Land
# Date: 08/10/2016
# Purpose: Share a custom image from the default project to a member project in K5
# Command line parameters –
# -i image_id
# -p member_project
# Prerequisites: file in the same directory with login details
# adminUser = 'username'
# adminPassword = 'password'
# contract = 'contract_name'
# contractid = 'contract_id'
# defaultid = 'default_project_id'
# project = 'working_project'
# region = 'uk-1'
# blog:
# twitter: @allthingsclowd
import sys
import os
import requests
import uuid
import base64
import time
import getopt
import ntpath
# load your K5 contract details from file
from k5contractsettings import *
# get a scoped auth token
def get_scoped_token(uname,upassword,uproject,udomain,uregion):
identityURL = 'https://identity.' + uregion + ''
response =,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept':'application/json'},
"password": upassword
{ "project":
return response.headers['X-Subject-Token']
def get_unscoped_token(uname,upassword,udomain,uregion):
identityURL = 'https://identity.' + uregion + ''
response =,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept':'application/json'},
"password": upassword
return response.headers['X-Subject-Token']
# get a central identity portal token
def get_unscoped_idtoken(uname,upassword,udomain):
response ='',
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
"password": upassword
return response.headers['X-Access-Token']
def share_image_with_project(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,projectid,image_id,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,contract,region)
imageURL = 'https://image.' + region + '' + image_id + '/members'
response =,
headers={'X-Auth-Token':scoped_k5token,'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept':'application/json'},
json={"member": projectid})
print response.json()
return response.json()['status']
def accept_image_share_from_default_project(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,projectid,image_id,contract,region):
# get a regional domain scoped token to make queries to facilitate conversion of object names to ids
scoped_k5token = get_scoped_token(adminUser,adminPassword,projectid,contract,region)
imageURL = 'https://image.' + region + '' + image_id + '/members/' + projectid
response = requests.put(imageURL,
headers={'X-Auth-Token':scoped_k5token,'Content-Type': 'application/json','Accept':'application/json'},
json={"status": "accepted"})
print response.json()
return response.json()['status']
def main():
# define global variables from the command line parameters
global image_id
global projects
global status
# ensure minimium commandline paramaters have been supplied
if (len(sys.argv)<4):
print("Usage1: %s -i 'image_id' -p 'project_id'" % sys.argv[0])
# load the command line parameters
myopts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"i:p:",["imageid=","projects="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
# if the parameters are incorrect display error message
print("Usage1: %s -i 'image_id' -p 'project_id'" % sys.argv[0])
# o == option
# a == argument passed to the o
for o, a in myopts:
if o in ('-i','–imageid'):
elif o in ('-p','–projects'):
print("Usage1: %s -i 'image_id' -p 'project_id'" % sys.argv[0])
# enable sharing from primary project to member project
print "\nSharing image " + image_id + " from default tenant " + defaultid + " with " + projects
result = share_image_with_project(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,projects,image_id,contract,region)
print result
print "\nShared image " + image_id + " from default tenant " + defaultid + " with " + projects
# activate sharing within member project to complete process
print "\nAccepting image " + image_id + " from default tenant " + defaultid + " with " + projects
result = accept_image_share_from_default_project(adminUser,adminPassword,defaultid,projects,image_id,contract,region)
print result
print "\nAccepted image " + image_id + " from default tenant " + defaultid + " with " + projects
if __name__ == "__main__":

view raw

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Example script output:


p style=”background:#f8f8f8;overflow:auto;width:auto;border:solid gray;border-width:.1em .1em .1em .8em;padding:.2em .6em;”>

Sharing image 956a044a-c486-4894-b72c-5e3feb72625b from default tenant eadb88257
3ac40b1b101eac93009a313 with 15f5aa927ec44f1e8525a1e824997231
{u'status': u'pending', u'created_at': u'2016-10-08T19:50:13Z', u'updated_at': u
'2016-10-08T19:50:13Z', u'image_id': u'956a044a-c486-4894-b72c-5e3feb72625b', u'
member_id': u'15f5aa927ec44f1e8525a1e824997231', u'schema': u'/v2/schemas/member

Shared image 956a044a-c486-4894-b72c-5e3feb72625b from default tenant eadb882573
ac40b1b101eac93009a313 with 15f5aa927ec44f1e8525a1e824997231

Accepting image 956a044a-c486-4894-b72c-5e3feb72625b from default tenant eadb882
573ac40b1b101eac93009a313 with 15f5aa927ec44f1e8525a1e824997231
{u'status': u'accepted', u'created_at': u'2016-10-08T19:50:13Z', u'updated_at':
u'2016-10-08T19:50:14Z', u'image_id': u'956a044a-c486-4894-b72c-5e3feb72625b', u
'member_id': u'15f5aa927ec44f1e8525a1e824997231', u'schema': u'/v2/schemas/membe

Accepted image 956a044a-c486-4894-b72c-5e3feb72625b from default tenant eadb8825
73ac40b1b101eac93009a313 with 15f5aa927ec44f1e8525a1e824997231

Happy Stacking!


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